Is Inhaled Arsenic Carcinogenic for Sites Other Than The Lung?

The carcinogenic risk from inhaled arsenic for sites other an the lung is discussed. Data from persons ingesting arsenic as well as from persons inhaling arsenic are considered in arriving at the conclusions. In the past, lung cancer has generally been assumed to be the only cancer risk due to arsenic exposure via inhalation. The evidence suggests, however, that inhalation exposure to arsenic increases the risk of gastrointestinal, urinary tract, and skin cancer in addition to lung cancer. Lifetime gastrointestinal cancer risk from a lifetime exposure of 1 ug/m3 of ambient arsenic is estimated to be 4.3 X 1O-4.


Gibb, H. AND C. Chen. Is Inhaled Arsenic Carcinogenic for Sites Other Than The Lung? U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/D-89/194 (NTIS PB90130675).

Additional Information

Presented at a meeting in Hannover Federal Republic of Germany, 2/21/89